As the name implies, a motor vehicle injury can be experienced in any type of vehicle, including a bus, bike, car, motorcycle, truck, train, or any motorbike accident.
Have you sustained an injury in a motor vehicle accident due to another person's negligence? KMB Legal's lawyers can help you obtain all the compensation and damages you're legally entitled to. Contact us for help if you're:
• An injured people by a vehicle
• A cyclist injured person by a vehicle in a road accident
• Injured while driving
• Injured as a passenger
• Injured while in a motor vehicle accident involving livestock
• Injured while using public transport
• Injured in a motor
If you can correctly establish the "at-fault" vehicle, you can make a claim against the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurer of the said vehicle. In Queensland, all drivers are obligated to have CTP insurance. As such, all drivers are liable for personal injury claims made by fellow road users.
If the "at-fault" vehicle can't be identified, is not registered, or is not covered by CTP insurance claims policy, you can claim as a Nominal Defendant against the State Government. However, strict time limits apply to this, so ensure you call a police officer or consult a lawyer immediately. If you were partially "at fault", you are still eligible to claim a somewhat reduced amount of compensation.
We advise you to consult a lawyer before signing documentation or responding to an offer from the other party. If not, you may forfeit your right to claim compensation, so contact KMB Legal immediately following your injury claim.
If you incurred an injury due to a motor vehicle accident (i.e. a car, truck, motorbike, train, lorry, boat, or any other motor vehicle) and it was caused by another person or you're only partially responsible, you have the right to claim. This is referred to as a motor accident claim. As it's compulsory for all registered vehicles in Queensland to have CTP insurance commission, the claim proceeds against the CTP insurer of the "at-fault" vehicle.
As previously mentioned, however, if the accident is caused by an unidentified vehicle (aka a "hit-and-run" or the vehicle is unregistered), the claim is made against the government insurer (Nominal Defendant).
The claim is made against the compulsory third party insurance (CTP) insurer of the "at-fault" car accidents. In Queensland, all vehicle owners are obliged to have a compulsory third-party (CTP) insurance policy attached to their vehicle's registration. In cases when the "at-fault" vehicle involved is not registered, a purpose-built government body - known as the Nominal Defendant - stands in the place of the third party insurer.
To meet these guidelines, you must lodge your insurance claim within nine months of the accident date, or within one month of consulting a lawyer with legal fees. If you don't do so, you can still lodge a claim, however, you need a plausible reason for the delay. In addition, if you fail to commence court proceedings within three years of the date of the accident, you permanently forfeit your right to claim.
It's important to keep in mind that if you can't identify the "at-fault" vehicle, you should contact the KMB Legal team immediately. If a car can't be identified, or its registration has lapsed, you only have three months from the date of the accident to lodge all associated claim forms.
You are allowed to claim for the following items:
• Past income loss
• Future loss of income
• Out of pocket expenses (i.e. medical expenses, medication, surgery, physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment, and hospitalization)
• Pain and suffering
• Any essential assistance or care you have needed or will need in the future.
After lodging your claim form and we've been informed by the insurance company that they are liable for the accident that happened, we can secure the necessary funding for rehabilitation costs from them. This will result in less financial strain for you at a time when your financial pressures are already significant.
Provided you can prove you are not at fault or the accident was partially your fault, you are eligible to claim damages. You may also claim for damages under the following circumstances:
• If you were a passenger either in a car accident or on a motorcycle.
• If you were a pedestrian or were on a bicycle and were hit by a car accident, motorcycle, truck, or another registered motor vehicle.
• If you were either a driver or passenger and the motor vehicle crash or car crash was a result of a defect in your vehicle.
As you can see, there are many circumstances under which you can lodge a claim. However, it's vital that you call or email us for an initial consultation, during which we will discuss your rights.
The overall worth (i.e. quantum) of your claim is dependent on how the motor accident, car crash, or accident has affected your life, and most importantly, your capacity to work. If the impact on your life was minimal and you recover from your motor vehicle injuries quickly, then your claim will likely be modest. However, if your injuries severely impact your ability to perform your job, or require you to change employment, your claim will be much more significant.
Of course, there are a variety of factors that influence the final settlement you receive. The reason being, there are many "heads of damage" you can claim for. The team at KMB Legal are injury insurance claim experts, so we can adequately apprise you of all possible avenues for obtaining workers' compensation. This is why we consider obtaining legal advice essential.
You should make an appointment with us as soon as possible. It's essential to speak to a lawyer before signing any documents from the other party or their insurer. If not, this can impact your right to claim. As time limits apply to motor vehicle accidents claim, you should speak to our personal injury lawyers right after the car crash, or accident scene. They can inform you of your rights and the claims process.
By law, you're entitled to receive damages for fatal injuries caused by the other driver or another person fails. For further information, contact KMB Legal today for legal services in Western Australia, your car accident lawyers. Get our contact details for a free consultation regarding your legal rights.
The majority of claims are covered by our no win, no fee policy legal costs. Put simply, you only need to pay our professional fees if the judgment is made in your favor.
KMB Legal is a boutique law firm whose main practice areas are Family Law, Commercial Law and Personal Injury Law. Established in 2016 out of a need in the market for speciality legal services with a strong customer focus. We pride ourselves on our commitment to our clients, who don’t see us as their law firm, rather as their trusted legal advisors.
Law Practice is owned by MB28 Holdings Pty Ltd ABN 58 436 026 865 Incorporated under the Legal Profession Act 2007
(07) 5649 6668
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